Vacature Role Model

Role Model in Zoetermeer

Our shared community values are as follows:

/ Respect

As a family business with a long tradition, we also take social concerns into account in our decisions.

/ Trust and Personal Responsibility

Mutual trust is the basis of successful cooperation. We trust in the personality, competence and potential of our employees and colleagues and we are prepared to assign and assume responsibility.

Our philosophy is to act as a role model. We set an example of the individual responsibility that we expect from our employees and colleagues. We reflect on our behaviour, develop our social and professional
skills on an ongoing basis and face up to change in an open-minded and flexible manner. We share our knowledge and offer support where it is needed.

We seek to continuously improve and develop. For this reason, we create space for improvement suggestions, new ideas and innovations.

We aspire to avoid mistakes. When mistakes occur, we deal with them in a trusting, open and constructive manner and we consider mistakes as an opportunity to learn. We focus on solutions and lasting learning

We work towards achieving our common goals with enthusiasm and commitment.

/ Reliability

We do what we say we will do. We make realistic and true statements. We stand by our word and keep our promises. This applies both internally and externally. We can rely on each other. Our business partners can rely on us.

If, in individual cases, promises cannot be kept or implemented, we actively provide information about the reasons and offer alternatives and solutions at an early stage.

We are committed to perform our tasks preserving the environment and saving resources.

Our goals

Since its foundation in 1872, it has been and remains the declared goal of the owner families to manage and maintain Scheidt & Bachmann as a family business.
In order to achieve this, an important foundation is profitable growth through sustainable management and our constant will to adapt the company and ourselves to changing conditions.

Scheidt & Bachmann pursues a long-term strategy with the following goals:

Scheidt & Bachmann Netherlands


  • Parkeersystemen
  • Systemen voor Spoorwegbeveiliging
  • Fare Collection Systems
  • Systemen voor Tankstations

Scheidt & Bachmann Parkeersystemen B.V.
Heliumstraat 130
2718 RS Zoetermeer
+31 7 93610004

Scheidt & Bachmann Worldwide

Functie:role model
Salaris:onbekend – onbekend
Uren per week:1 – 40

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Redactie Zoetermeerkrant

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  1. Vacatures Zoetermeer
  2. Role Model Scheidt & Bachmann 10-12-2023

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